Integration is the ability to learn from your experience
and build a positive and productive mindset.
Productive vs. Busy
In today’s athletic culture, the norm is to be busy, the challenge is to learn to integrate.
The busy athlete goes from activity to activity: From practice to clinic, to open gym, to local tournaments, to a travel team, to physical conditioning, to skill training, and when needed to rehab. The really busy athlete repeats the process for two or even three different sports or activities.
Reflection: The down side for the busy athlete is that they are “running on empty,” tired most of the time and unable to practice in a meaningful manner, debrief their performance and/or process negative emotions.
The productive athlete can be just as active as the busy athlete, but they are able to be deliberate in the activities that make up their schedule.
Reflection: The deliberate and productive athlete is able to get the rest they need and fully integrate the lessons they learn and process the emotions (both positive and negative) derived from their performance.
Busy athletes are more apt to get injured, frustrated and burn out from their sport(s). Productive athletes are more apt to get better, have fun, excel and retire from their sport on a happy note.
GED Integration Process
Gratitude What’s Expected
Are you able to progress from wanting to be present in your activity, to being able to embrace challenges and finally battle with the competition and enjoy the process?
Excitement Get the Job Done
Are you able to be engaged, be mindful of what you want and need to do and focus on being in sync with the activity and completing the process?
Devotion Make Good Decisions
Are you able to learn from your efforts, make adjustments to your intensity, attitude and focus and let go of all negative thoughts, feelings and actions?
Integration Requirements
- The time and energy to establish and complete the process on a daily basis.
- The courage to accept the need for change and in the words of Peter Drucker, “to be creative within it.”
- The discipline to make the needed adjustments to your intensity, attitude and focus.
- The skills to settle down, reframe the upsets, process the negative emotions and record the learning.
This is an extremely timely and important topic. Not just for athletes but for people in all walks of life. I remember clearly times in my athletic career and life when I failed to learn from mistakes or was unable to process negative emotions. I realize now how different and better it would have been for me if I had known how to respond to these experiences in a positive manner.
I will to continue to research the tools and techniques needed to establish and maintain a productive mindset and share my findings here in this blog. Critical to this endeavor will be working with the coaches and athletes that have achieved the success and satisfaction that comes from learning how to be grateful, excited and devoted during the essence of their performance in sports, work and life in general.
That’s HiLevel!