Dear Reader,
On August 10, 2019 my world turned upside down. Some very close friends invited my wife and I for a barbeque. Special friends and always a wonderful time. My wife declined, said she wasn’t feeling well, and I should go alone. It struck me later that was the first time in our 52 years of marriage that she had chosen to stay home.
When I got home, she was sick, real sick. Next scene, we’re in an ambulance headed to the emergency room.
For the next few weeks I lost track of the days. She fought her way through the complications related to high blood sugar. And fought she did. During this time, I experienced the numbness that goes with being overcome with emotions that were brand new. All I knew to do was breathe, pray and repeat the Serenity Prayer.
Fast forward. Today is 15 months after the event that changed our lives. My wife’s health has largely returned, and we have a new life. We sold our house and live in an apartment. We are surround by beauty, the ocean, surf, Ala Moana Beach Park and Kewalos.
During the pandemic we have worked hard to accept a new reality and appreciate each other and the love of our family. I’m forever grateful for that love. In the moments that bring you so close to the end, as the saying goes, all you have is love. Family, friends and the Aloha of living here in Hawaii.

I’m beyond happy to be back writing this blog. I promise to share my truth regarding my reflections on what “it” all means and the skills that can help all of us in the words of Peter Drucker, “Accept change and be creative with in it!”