The story of "Want It"
The year is 1960. I showed up in Atlanta, Georgia ready to play football for Georgia Tech. It’s August and Georgia is hot! Being from Long Island, N.Y., where, yes, it does get hot and humid, but Atlanta’s 100 degrees with 100% humidity was a new and severe experience. Playing football in the S.E.C was also a new and severe experience. More talent surrounded me than I had ever dreamed possible. So much for thinking I was ready!

To help the newcomers adjust, a number of the coaches would constantly repeat the phrase “Son…You’ve got to want it!” Their message was simple. In order to get through two-a-day practices with the challenge of the weather and the inherent need to compete and survive, you’d better find out in a hurry what it means to “want it!”
To “want it” simply meant to act the part: To run hard, hit hard, pay attention and learn. It was all about showing that you cared in every possible way. Primarily, to have the intention to be intense for the entire practice and be spontaneous and play without fear, doubt or judgment.
The bottom line was to do everything humanly possible to compete for a spot on the team. And, they were right. “Wanting it” is what it took. I wanted it and I began to make wanting it a habit.
The Cue
Feeling the resistance to hit
The Routine
Inhale slowly, pause and exhale with the “Taaaaaah breathe and explode through the situation.
The Reward
Enjoy the contact that goes with this great game!
The HiLevel Rules were written in collaboration with Bill Curry, my teammate from our time at Georgia Tech. The Rules are to help you reflect on your ability to “want it!”
HiLevel Habits
Hilevel Habits will allow you to be more competitive. Last time we discussed developing your Mindset. Today we’ll discuss HiLevel Habit Number 2, Follow the Rules. We’ll cover the third habit, Master the Tools, in a future blog.
HiLevel Habit Number 2
Follow the Rules
Show up Rested
Rest results from the right amount of sleep, relaxation, nutrition, hydration, recovery, stretching and activity. In general, your rest needs to provide the energy to be mentally clear and physically ready, to bring forth the skills, attitude and belief to handle any possible challenges.
The Cue
Lack of energy
The Routine
Do what you have to do to feel physically
ready and mentally clear
The Reward
To feel right with plenty of energy
Trust the Process
Trust is the confidence you have in your ability to perform a specific task, to stay present, maintain a positive attitude, and, when others are involved, to believe that they can and will perform at their best. Trust is essential in the process of building cooperative relationships that form the backbone of successful teams.
The Cue
A lack of trust in yourself or someone
The Routine
Bring your self present, breathe, and adjust your posture,
put a slight smile on your face and reestablish your confidence.
The Reward
Complete confidence in yourself and others
Find the Beauty
Show up and give your best effort and find the positive value in the results. The HiLevel Debrief and Reframe exercises offer a structure for capturing the beauty and recording the growth.
The Cue
Feeling incomplete with your effort
The Routine
Find the value
The Reward
Build acceptance, good health and happiness
Live the Rules
The rules work when they become a conditioned response that allows you to find the fun and value in challenges. Responding to fatigue, doubt and/or resistance with your best effort is to know what it means to be satisfied and successful and live your life with integrity.
With practice the rules will allow you to:
- Resolve extreme challenges that will set you up to win the competition that represents the game of your life.
- Experience satisfaction, knowing that you have focused on the areas of your performance that you can control.
- Realize the success that comes when you work hard and put forward your best effort.
That’s HiLevel!